"The mission life is great here. It
is very busy but so much fun. Although we do sit a lot and eat A LOT
hahaha.I may come home a rolly polly ha. Anyway, our district is so
great. It´s like we became an instant family once we got here. They are
all great and they have strong testimonies. There are 3 other sisters
in my district and I already love them. They are so funny. We laugh a
lot.The Elders are pretty great. I was looking at how the other Elders
act in our Zone and I think my district was blessed. They are all super
grown up for being 19 year olds. I really appreciate them. They have
treated us really well. They have told us countless times how grateful
they are to have sisters in their district because they feel that we
have a lot to give. It was nice to hear that because it´s not too easy
beinga sister missionary. It has been so great though.We really do
everything together. We all eat together, go to class together, and we
always play sand volley ball for gym time. Its been so fun.
From day one, the Lord is already showing me all my weaknesses. I
have always felt like I have beena pretty patient person. But now i
realize it is something I still need to work on. It´s not easy haveing
to have my companion by my side 24-7 and going wherever she needs to
go. But I´m learning. :)
Here at the MTC we have to do role plays where we teach fake
investigators. We try to make it as real as possible and I feel that it
has been a great tool to help us learn and teach others. Some lessons go
really well and the Spirit is definitely present, and then there are
times when we teach and the investigator is so stubborn! But hey, it´s
all been a great experience nonetheless and I´m not going to give up on
any of them.I have a message to share and its a message of happiness
and a message of Christ. That is what I am here for. I wear our
Savior´s name on my tag and I am a representative of Him. So I ned to
work my hardest so I don´t waste any of His time.
Being a missionary is a great opportunity to give back to the Lord
and help others feel of His love and find a way to return back to Him.
The church is true!!!!
Anyway, I love you all and hope you are all doing great!!!Rememeber
to keep the Lord in your life everyday. He is constantly watching over
you and will never forget about you. You are all in my prayers everyday.
Until next time! Hasta Luego!!!
Your little missionary,
Sister Valerie Preston"