Hey family!!
I'm glad to hear once again that everything is going well for all of you back at home. :) I'm glad that the blessing went well. YES I received the letter with all the pictures. It was like Christmas again ha. I loved it. Thank you!
This week was definitely crazy busy! I have two new companions. Sister Weirich (why-rick) is a sister trainer leader with me and then we are both training our golden, Sister Benge (benj). They both are amazing! They are so enthusiastic and we are already having so much fun and success together with the great help of the Lord.
So this week!
Michael was baptized!!! I have to just say that Michael has one of the strongest testimonies out of anyone I have taught thus far. After he was baptized, he bore a beautiful and strong testimony of his journey to this point. Then he was confirmed in sacrament meeting, which happened to be testimony meeting, so he was able to bear his testimony again. He jumped on that opportunity and bore another beautiful testimony. He told the congregation that they would have a hard time getting rid of him. :)
Our recent convert, Kenneth, blessed the sacrament on Sunday. THAT was incredible. Kennneth stumbles over his words all of the time and does the same thing as he reads. However, when he knelt down to say the sacrament prayer, it came out smoothly and perfectly. The spirit helped him so much. It was so great. A big smile crossed my face. Elder and sister casper told me that I looked like a proud mother at that point. Ha I felt like one!
Also, our investigator, Kandi, was at that sacrament meeting, so she was able to talk to Michael about his conversion and she was able to see him receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. She has been struggling to make this step in her life, but we feel that this sunday helped.
Okay, now back to the first day that my new companions were with me. We visited our investigator, Faye. She had come with me and Sister Malloy to a baptism the night before. So when my new companions and I visited her, we taught her, she felt peace that she hadn't felt in a long time, and we were able to commit her for baptism! What a great way for this golden to start out her mission! Committing for baptism and witnessing baptisms. There have been blessings poured out all around us. The field truly is white and it is being harvested.
Well, I love ya'll so much! You are truly the greatest people in the world! Have a wonderful week!! Have a great Labor Day! :)
Sister Valerie Preston