Hello family!!!!
So this week was full of highs and lows. I'll
probably start with the low. Our precious Sister Casper who worked in
the mission office with her husband and lived with us here in knoxville
passed away this week. It was a hard time for everyone. Elder Casper was
being so strong, it was incredible to watch him. His mission is now
over, so he left for Utah. We loved them so much. They truly became
family while they were here.
I was trying to think of the tender mercies that could come from
this situation and the Lord helped me to see them. All of the Caspers
kids were able to come to tennessee and see her before she passed away.
So she was surrounded by her family before she left. She also had always
wanted to serve a mission with her husband, so they were able to do
that for a few months! And passing away while on the mission was in my
opinion, a great place, because the family had all the support of the
missionaries and the great spirit that comes with being set apart as a
missionary themselves.
I also was able to feel the great power of the Atonement while I
was sitting in sacrament meeting on Sunday. Elder Casper and his
children were sitting behind us and the spirit was so strong during the
sacrament song. I was literally filled with love and peace. It was an
emotional time, but I could feel the love of the Savior and I could feel
of Sister Casper's love.
Now she will be working on the other side in the great work of the Lord.
be getting new roommates upstairs in our home. The Hunts are a senior
couple serving in our mission and they will start working in the mission
office. We look forward to working with them.
Miracle of the week. We were praying to have 3
baptismal committments by the end of the week because that was our goal
for the week. It was Sunday and we still didn't have one. We had an
appointment that evening with a young man, named Edson. He is from Haiti
and is 19. We knocked on his door and his younger brother opened,
Stevenson. We went inside the home and their other brother, Ritchie also
joined us. These three boys came from Haiti a year ago with their
father. They have siblings still in Haiti. They joined the Baptist
church when they arrived. We began teaching them the restoration. They
kept raising their hands when they had a question and they would get
excited when we would ask them questions about what we taught. We asked
them how they felt during the lesson and they said they felt amazing. We
helped them recognize that as the spirit. We gave them the book of
mormon to read and testified that Christ's church had been restored on
the earth. They became anxious to know if that were true. It's like
their souls were starving for this. We invited them to be baptized and
they didn't fully accept because they want to pray about it first (good
choice to pray first!) and they are excited for us to come back.
It was such a tender mercy to see the Lord helping us. We didn't
get actual committments but they are working towards it! The Lord gave
us 3 PEOPLE to work with towards baptism. He answered our prayers in a
different way; in His way, which is always the best way.
We are excited to keep on working!! it's so fun
being a missionary. I love you all and hope that you all have a
wonderful week!!!!!!
Love with all my heart,
Sister Valerie Preston
Sometimes I feel like I don't send ya'll any pictures. Maybe i do. Either way, here ya go!
the first one is an action picture of our planning sessions haha....we love the floor
the second one is of all of us with elder Casper the night before he left for home
love you!!!!!
Sister Preston